About optometrists
Optometrist vision test
An eye care professional uses an eye chart to measure your visual acuity. You are asked to remove your glasses or contact lenses and read the letters from the chart. If you have normal vision, you can read the 8th row on the letter chart (also called a Snellen chart). This level of visual acuity is known as 20/20 vision.
Our optometrists
Optometrist services
Eye tests
An eye test measures your visual acuity. This means how well you see and what, if any, glasses correction you require. An eye test will also check the balance of your eye muscles and your general eye health. During an eye test your optometrist will look for signs of many eye diseases. These include glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eyes, diabetes-related eye disease and cataract.
Your optometrists will detect and manage some very common conditions such as myopia and eye strain. These can lead to serious eye problems if poorly managed. Less common eye conditions, such as keratoconus, can also be detected in a thorough eye examination.
Contact lens fitting
Contact lens fitting determines the right type of contact lens for your eye. During a contact lens fitting your optometrist will measure the curve of the cornea and take other measurements to ensure contact lenses fit comfortably on your eye.
Glasses and multifocals
An optometrist can prescribe glasses or multifocals to correct vision problems. Glasses help people to focus close up or at a distance, while multifocals allow people to focus clearly at a range of distances.
Eye scans
Eye scans give a more detailed understanding of overall eye health. They are also essential for detecting the early signs of eye disease. Digital Retinal Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Corneal Topography and Visual Field Assessment are all eye scans that can be done by our optometrists.
Eye disease management
Eye disease management is when an optometrist monitors eye problems and provides treatment. They can advise and manage many aspects of your eye health including prescribing eye drops. This is particularly important for dry eyes, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, macular degeneration and keratoconus. Good eye disease management can help keep or improve your vision. Your optometrist may also prescribe exercises to strengthen the muscles in your eyes.
You don’t need a referral to see an optometrist but they may refer you on to another health expert if eye disease is detected or surgery required.
About our optometrist clinic
The Eye Practice is a leading Australian eye care clinic. It has the latest technology for comprehensive eye tests and detailed eye scans.
Our caring optometrists are highly skilled in improving vision as well as treating complex eye conditions. Each of them has years of experience and is a recognised leader in their field.
We care about your vision and will give you the best advice to protect your vision.
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