Welcome to The Eye Practice, an advanced optometrist where your best vision is our passion.
Advanced eye care
Welcome to The Eye Practice, an advanced optometrist where your best vision is our passion.
Advanced services
private health fund insurance
Private health fund insurance can save you lots of money when you buy new frames at The Eye Practice. In fact we can process your claim on the spot, limiting your out of pocket expenses.

Your leading advanced optometrist in Sydney
The Eye Practice is the leading advanced optometrist in the Sydney CBD for treating and improving your vision.
The Eye Practice has over 30 years of expertise in managing keratoconus, a condition which causes blurred vision and irregular astigmatism. While there is no cure, we excel in effectively managing it.
Research has shown that certain myopia treatment strategies can delay or slow myopia. It’s good news and it also helps reduce the risk of getting an eye disease in the future.
Stories from our patients
Avulux helped me manage migraines better
Avulux glasses have given me the reassurance that, should a migraine strike, I can manage its symptoms.
Diagnosed with keratoconus from the age of 13
Living with keratoconus has its challenges, but with the right support, it is manageable.
Despite having keratoconus, I have lived life to the fullest
A diagnosis of Keratoconus was not the end of the world. It simply presented a challenge.
How contact lenses helped my keratoconus
Contact lenses have been a part of Helen's life for almost 50 years and she is so grateful to have them for her vision correction for keratoconus.

Eye care news
Photophobia; what is it and how does it happen?
Photophobia is eye discomfort from bright lights.
Does rubbing or touching eyes cause infection?
Bacteria, viruses and microbes - keep them away from your eyes.
The surprising way exercise is helping your eyes.
We all know how good exercise is for our general well-being but what about our eyes? Does exercise have any impact on our eye health?
15 unusual signs and symptoms of dry eyes.
Dry eyes symptoms vary from person to person. Some feel excruciating pain yet others have no symptoms.
Contact us
The Eye Practice
83 York Street,
Monday | 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
Friday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |