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Atropine eye drops can be used to treat myopia in children..

Atropine eye drops in Sydney

Sydney children can access atropine eye drops to treat myopia at The Eye Practice.

The Eye Practice in Sydney recommend atropine eye drops to treat myopia in children. Studies have shown that these eye drops can slow and in some cases stop the progression of myopia.

What is atropine?

Atropine is a prescription medicine. It comes from a naturally occurring substance found in plants from the nightshade family.

Atropine was first isolated in 1833. Indeed, for over 100 years it has been use by eye practitioners to dilate the pupil. Today the World Health Organisation include Atropine in their List of Essential Medicines.

How our Sydney optometrists use atropine to slow myopia

The optometrists at The Eye Practice prescribe atropine eye drops to slow the progression of myopia in children.

The atropine drops work by effecting the iris and the ciliary muscles that control focusing.

In addition, studies show that atropine thickens the structure in the middle layers of the eye. This helps resist the stretching and elongation typical in myopia.

An easy to use treatment

Parents can administer the eye drops to their children.

Administering atropine eye drops

Parents usually administer the eye drops to their kids. One drop is typically instilled in each eye at bedtime.

Interestinly, the best effect is obtained by using a very weak dilution (0.01% atropine). Treatment duration can last as long as 2 years, but the duration can vary based on its effectiveness.

Will atropine eye drops always work?

The results of studies into atropine eye drops are conclusive: Used once daily they significantly slow the progress of myopia.

When used in low concentrations it can slow the progression of myopia in children by up to 60%.

However, it’s worth noting that atropine eye drops do not work for everyone. Indeed, our Sydney optometrists often use combined treatments to achieve optimum results.

Are atropine eye drops safe?

Yes, they are safe. Indeed, five years of clinical testing has shown atropine to be safe for long-term use in children.

However, there can be some very minimal side effects. These include glare as a result of slight pupil dilation, as well as mild changes in the ability to focus on near objects.

On rare occasions some children report sensitivity to the eye drops and preservatives.

Learn more about myopia

Eye diseases caused by myopia

Myopia can cause eye disease like cataract, glaucoma and retinal detachment. It happens when the eye elongates, stretching delicate tissues.

Ortho-K lenses

Ortho k lenses are a special kind of hard contact lens worn at night to reduce, eliminate or prevent myopia.

Myopia contact lenses

The Eye Practice in Sydney use contact lenses to treat childhood myopia. These lenses can slow, halt or even reverse myopia.

Myopia treatment in Sydney

Our optometrists can treat myopia, or short-sightedness, effectively. Indeed, early treatment can even stop myopia getting worse.

Ortho-k treatment in Sydney

Our optometrists recommend ortho-k contact lens treatment for myopia. Worn at night, the lenses gently reshape the eye to improve distance vision.

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