About dry eyes causes

Dry eye causes vary depending on age, gender, occupation and medical history as well as diet. Common dry eye causes include:

FAQs: Dry eyes causes

Meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eyes. In fact, 80% of people with dry eyes have blocked meibomian glands. When it becomes blocked, this oily tear gland can result in dry eyes.

Yes, flakey eyelids known as Blepharitis can cause dry eyes. In fact, this common disorder results inflamed and crusted eyelids. It impairs meibomian gland function by blocking the openings to the oil glands.

Yes, using digital devices for prolonged periods often causes dry eyes. Indeed, staring at digital screens reduces the blink rate and therefor the amount of lubricating tear film in the eye.

Dry climates, air conditioning and even moving air can cause or worsen dry eyes. Air pollution and airborne pollen can also contribute to dry eyes.

Yes, natural ageing is a factor. As we age the eyelids can sag away from the eye. So this makes it harder for oils from the meibomian glands to enter the tear film, which results is dry eyes.

Yes, menopause and pregnancy can cause thickening of the oils in the meibomian glands. This, in turn can cause them to block, causing dry eyes.

Certain systemic diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus can effect tear production. Sjogren Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that effects the tear glands as well as the salivary glands.

Medications such as antidepressants and antihistamines can cause tear production to reduce or block the meibomian glands. Both of which can cause dry eyes.

This rare condition is known as lagophthalmos. It is where the eyelids do not close fully during sleep, which dries out the surface of the eye.

Yes, contact lenses can cause dry eyes because they soak up available moisture in the eye. In addition, they can interfere with the tear film.

Multiple dry eyes causes

Dry eye rarely has just one cause. Indeed, it is usually caused by a combination of factors. So it is important to see an optometrist for an expert dry eye assessment. Only then can the causes of your dry eye be accurately determined and a treatment plan developed.

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