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Top 7 tips for looking fab in your specs

If I had a dollar for every time I heard

By Published On: 24 May 20174.7 min read

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a client say they dreaded choosing glasses frames I would be rich enough to quit my job as an optical consultant.

Most people don’t like wearing spectacles because they either don’t like choosing them or don’t feel confident wearing them.  Frame selection can be incredibly hard if you haven’t been trained to do so, and if you take a punt and pick a frame for yourself, more often than not it will be ill-fitting and uncomfortable.

I’m going to give you some tips on what to look out for when choosing and wearing spectacles to make sure you look fab and embrace your look!

1. The Optical Dispenser is your best friend

The first way to look fab in specs is to choose an appropriate frame for your face. Ignore the myths you have heard in the past about choosing a certain lens shape for your face shape. Remember, your optical dispenser is your best friend for the frame selection process. They have been trained to tune in to your facial features and know what will work. They also will know whether your prescription will work in a particular style you want. So trust them! However don’t get pushed into a style you are uncomfortable wearing. We want you to be confident when wearing your new specs.

2. Colour: use it wisely

Another thing to be aware of when selecting a frame is your skin and hair colour. Wearing certain colours against your skin can wash you out. If you have fair skin or yellow undertones, avoid nude/cream or clear frames. If you have olive skin steer away from dusty pink or blue frames. The best way to test this is just to try the frame on in good lighting; you will know straight away.

Your hair colour can also determine whether you are going to look fab or drab in your spectacles. If you’re grey or white, avoid darker frames that will take away the attention from everything else. My favorite hair colour is red and if this is you, choose a green frame; you will look fab, I promise!

3. Multi-coating: Nothing comes between your eyes and the world

When ordering your new spectacles, the optical dispenser will often recommend multi-coating your lenses. This coating is important if you want to look fab in your specs.  It is used to eliminate reflections from bright lights on the lens surface and this improves the cosmetic appearance of your glasses. Your spectacle lenses will be clear with no reflections, so ensure that your dispenser applies it when you are ordering your new specs.

4. Cleanliness is next to Goddessliness

There is nothing more unattractive than filthy spectacles. Your eyes command more attention than any other part of you, and someone looking at you will just see smudgy fingerprints and scuff-marks. Get into a habit of using a lens spray and microfibre cloth every morning to remove any debris and smudges. Be religious about keeping your glasses in their case when not in use, rather than floating around in your handbag. You can also use an ultrasonic cleaner or regular warm soapy water to give them a thorough clean every so often. Keep those lenses sparkling and I can assure you,  you will look your best!

5. Makeup – more important than ever!

People generally think that spectacles take away the attention from your eyes. This is absolutely not the case. Spectacles bring focus to your eyes so your makeup must always look crisp. When wearing your specs, choose a concealer that’s two shades lighter than your skin to eradicate dark circles around your eyes. Don’t forget to define those brows so your frames don’t overpower your whole look.

6. Choose the right material

Frames come in a variety of finishes from enamel to gold-plated or crystal-encrusted. But they tend to be made from two different underlying materials – metal or acetate (a plastic). Each lends itself to different possibilities – metal can look minimal and sharp; acetate can make possible an explosion of colour. Some skin types or face shapes will suit a certain frame material more than others. E.g. if you have prominent cheeks, a larger acetate frame may seal off your eyes causing the lenses to fog with perspiration. If your skin is sensitive, it is important that a metal frame does not sit directly on your cheeks, as is well supported by your nose.  Frames need to be comfortable and light enough to wear all day and if they’re heavy, they will cause you to frown. Now, nobody looks good with a frown!

7. Keep your audience in mind

Frames can look so good they cause people to stop you in the street and ask where you got them. And everyone should have at least one pair of fabulous glasses – whether they are an outrageous hue or embellished with precious metals and stones. But this may not be the same pair you wear to the board meeting where you want to look your professional best. Glasses lovers build up a collection over time of frames for various situations, so they always have the right pair.

We hope you find these tips useful in choosing a flattering spectacle frame. I’m always here to consult and advise and I am available for one-on-one frame consultations by appointment, or you can just pop in for a look at what’s new.

Nicole Kokkinakis

Call The Eye Practice on (02) 9290 1899 or make an appointment online today.


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