The prevalence of myopia and near-sightedness in children can cause panic among parents. Nowadays, it is estimated that there is a higher risk for the younger generation to develop visual impairments due to their exposure in stressful eye activities such as the constant use of computer and watching television.
For most parents, the answer lies in the use of eyeglasses which can help in correcting the problem. In the recent innovations in eye care, it is found that orthokeratology lenses offers better solution to myopia, and it is also a viable option that can be prescribed among children.
Aside from the corrective and physical advantages of using orthokeratology lenses, there are also other advantages that parents and children can benefit from using this eye care product.
Advantages of Orthokeratology for Children
Kids understand the concept behind orthokeratology.
Since kids learn and understand a lot of things through association they can relate that much like the use of dentures among kids with crooked teeth growth, orthokeratology provides a corrective treatment for kids who are already experiencing visual problems.
A better option to the regular soft lenses.
Soft lenses can often dry the eyes out especially when it is worn all throughout the day. Although adults will have more patience in dealing with such kind of drying effect, the same can’t be said for children. Since the lenses are worn during the evening and taken off during the day, there is lesser possibility that a child will complain about eye irritability and dryness that is common in regular lens.
Lesser restrictions.
One of the main reasons as to why some kids avoid wearing eyeglasses is the fact that it can restrict them from doing physical activities during the day. Although wearing regular lenses provide lesser restrictions, there is still the fear that the lenses might fall out of the eyes and into the ground while they are playing outdoors.
FDA approved.
One of the best things about orthokeratology is that it is approved to be used for all ages, thus making it the only treatment method available for children with myopia.
Reduces the progression of myopia.
According to published studies, the increase of myopia among children who did not wear overnight corneal therapy lenses is significantly higher compared to children who religiously wore their orthokeratology lenses at night.
Boost self-esteem.
Children with myopia are often reported to have lower grades in school, due to their visual problems, and there are kids who isolate themselves during class lectures mainly because they feel different from their classmates who have normal 20/20 visions.
In other cases, kids who wear eyeglasses are often the target of bullying, which can lead them to either leave their eyeglasses at home or they can develop lesser self-esteem. The use of corrective overnight lenses allows them to feel normal again, thereby boosting their confidence as well as their performance in school.
Although it is unfortunate that myopia can develop even among younger kids, it is also a good thing that there are certain treatment options, such as orthokeratology, that are now available in order for children to get the right kind of corrective treatment that is appropriate for their age and one that does not restrict them from performing daily activities that they might not be able to do if their myopia worsens.
At The Eye Practice we have been performing orthokeratology on children for 15 years. It has shown us time and time again, with diligent prescription and educated compliance myopia can be arrested or at least slowed down significantly. Call us on (02) 9290 1899 to be assessed for suitability – it really is a wonderful procedure.