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Latest update: how to best control your child’s myopia

We're excited about an innovative spectacle lens for myopia control. It is called MiyoSmart and uses remarkable new lens technology to focus central and mid-peripheral vision at once.

By Published On: 11 December 20203 min read

Myopia control is not the same thing as myopia correction. Traditionally, optometrists used glasses and contact lenses to correct myopia (short-sightedness). While this achieves crisp, clear vision, it doesn’t do anything to stop the vision from getting worse, especially during the childhood and teenage years. The worse the myopia gets, the more damage it does to the eye, by stretching everything too thin.

This is where myopia control comes in: using special glasses, contact lenses and / or eye drops, we can now slow myopia down or even stop it in its tracks.

MiyoSmart lenses for myopia control

The Eye Practice is very excited about an innovative spectacle lens for myopia control. It’s called MiyoSmart and has been developed by the optical company Hoya, along with its research collaborator – Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

These remarkable lenses not only provide clear vision but also impressively slow myopia from progressing.

How does the MiyoSmart lens work?

This lens uses a technology called DIMS (defocus incorporated multiple segments).

In a traditional (standard) lens, the central vision is clear, but the mid peripheral vision is a little out of focus. This drives the eye to elongate, or grow, in order to achieve clear focus. With the DIMS technology of the MiyoSmart lens, the central vision is in sharp focus, while the mid-peripheral vision is also in clear focus. This removes the stimulus for the eye to grow longer, which would increase the myopia.

How does MiyoSmart work?


And it works. Studies show that compared to regular distance lenses for myopia, MiyoSmart lenses slow myopia progression by 59%. They also slow the abnormal stretching (or elongation) of the eye by 60%.

These lenses are made from impact-resistant polycarbonate, making them safe for active kids. They also include UV protection.

Why do kids need myopia control ?

Myopia is not just short-sightedness. It’s an eye disease associated with greatly increased risks. As the eye enlarges with myopia, the structures are stretched and weakened – sometimes to breaking point. Myopia is linked to far higher risks of eye diseases such as retinal detachment and macular disease.

How do I know if my child has myopia:

By the time your child is squinting at the whiteboard or TV, myopia is already established.

  • Have your child’s eyes tested by an optometrist before starting primary school and at regular intervals – depending on your optometrist’s advice.
  • Ask your optometrist if your child is at risk of developing myopia. There are some tell-tale signs that can indicate that myopia is imminent, even if your child is still seeing well in the distance. If this is the case, there are strategies to offset the myopia.
  • If your child has myopia, ask about the latest strategies to control it – not just correct it.

What else is available for myopia control?

There are many great options now, including

At The Eye Practice, we find that the best results often come from combining atropine eye drops with an optical lens (either glasses or contact lenses). We are excited about MiyoSmart because it is very easy for the child to wear and to adjust to, and it is a very safe option.

Remember, you can also slow myopia in other ways

  • Ensure your child spends plenty of time outdoors, as this leads to lower chance of myopia and slower progression of the disease.
  • Avoid prolonged period on digital screens, especially at close range. This includes laptops, iPads, games consoles, Kindles etc.

Worried about your child’s myopia?  Talk to The Eye Practice about myopia control and MiyoSmart lenses.


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