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Lipiflow – A Personal Comment

Just the other day we received this fantastic email about

By Published On: 8 May 20122.9 min read

Just the other day we received this fantastic email about our website and about LipiFlow.  It is reassuring that this treatment has been received so well in the USA.

“Your website is absolutely perfect!  It is very comprehensive in coverage and very easy for a lay person to comprehend the science behind the topics, and it is eye-appealing as well– no pun intended!  Many sites are stark white, glarey and irritating to the eyes.  I have a few comments on LipiView/LipiFlow.I had both procedures done in early April at the Jules Stein Eye Institute (JSEI) at UCLA in Los Angeles,CA.Previous to this I had been treated for dry eye for 4 1/2 months by 6 different doctors at an HMO; there was no cause given for my condition, no resolution, and no mention of meibomian gland blockage.My eye was getting worse so I got a referral to a doctor at JSEI who mentioned these oil glands but still no cause. I did my own internet searches which brought me to LipiFlow treatment and then back to JSEI to meet with Dr. Rex Hamilton. JSEI has used the LipiFlow since Dec. 2011. I had already deduced from my own research that I had MGD (I got a lot of info from the Dr at Eye Zone site) and Dr.Hamilton used the LipiView to confirm this. Before having the LipiFlow treatment I had to take an antibiotic, Vigamox, and an anti-inflammatory,Durazol, since my eye was quite sore and inflamed with lots of mucus. Both of these meds were too irritating so I was taken off of them after 3 days.For the month prior to meeting with Dr. Hamilton I had been using hot, moist compresses twice a day plus eyelid wipes and eye wash.This improved my eye a little,but it was not in any way a cure. The LipiFlow was very effective in unblocking the glands;it was a bit uncomfortabe in the last 2 minutes–lots of pressure. My eye was inflamed for 2-3 days after but that subsided and it was great not to have  blurry, itchy eyes and to be able to drive again. It is almost 4 weeks since treatment and I am so much better. I can now work at the computer for4-5 hours a day without severe eye irritation.I still continue the hot compreses. Another thing mentioned on your site was testosterone cream.  In the U.S. it is going to be marketed by 2014 perhaps. Since mostly women have MGD it is quite possible that below average testosterone levels are a cause of poor lipid production and therefore, MGD. I read on one site that,even though the transdermal cream for eyes is not marketed here yet, a doctor can prescribe a 3% cream which a compounding pharmacy can make up . There are other testosterone creams available here, but they may have too high a hormone content. I don’t know about sources outside the U.S. All-in all I would recommend LipiView-LipiFlow; it is expensive and not yet covered by insurance–but what is your eyesight worth??  Thanks again for your website.”

This very comprehensive comment was written by a patient called Rosemarie.

Thanks Rosemarie for your great comment about LipiFlow – for some reason your comment did not comment up for me to moderate – very strange?  I took the liberty of just posting your comment as this information is very important for all to know.


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