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Keratoconus – A User’s Manual

Optometrists Dr Jim Kokkinakis, Mr Richard Lindsay and Corneal Specialists […]

By Published On: 25 March 20121.2 min read

Optometrists Dr Jim Kokkinakis, Mr Richard Lindsay and Corneal Specialists Dr Michael Loughnan, Professor Gerard Sutton have just released “A user’s manual for people with Keratoconus”.  From glasses to corneal grafts and everything in between in simple to understand language.

Call The Eye Practice today on (02) 9290 1899 to purchase your copy or alternatively just EMAIL US: [email protected]

If you do not suffer from Keratoconus or know someone with this eye condition this book will have no relevance.  For those that do know about keratoconus though, they are only too familiar with the problems, the misinformation and the mismanagement that can occur.  This book: “A user’s manual for people with KERATOCONUS” is written in a simple way. It goes through the whole spectrum of the disease with the solutions available at every stage.

It seems the interest in this book is high.  The Eye Practice has emailed everyone on its keratoconus database a few days ago.  This is around 2000 people and the requests for the book over these few days have been overwhelming.

This response is just further proof that keratoconus has more questions than answers.

Once you have read the book we encourage feedback, as the authors are keen to write a second edition.  The first edition was written about what the authors perceived were the issues, but they might be surprised what other questions arise.  We are eagerly awaiting your questions!



  1. Prashant Bhartiya 23 August 2013 at 7:31 am - Reply

    Congratulations Mick on the book. Would like to have a peek at it. Is it possible to preview it online.
    Warm regards
    Prashant (ex corneal fellow at RVEEH from India)

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