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GLAUCOMA: It can be prevented so what are you waiting for?

Glaucoma affects around 2% of the population but as we

By Published On: 7 January 20120.9 min read

Glaucoma affects around 2% of the population but as we age the risk of developing glaucoma becomes greater.  In other words in an age group of 20 to 30 years of age the risk of developing glaucoma could be 1/100 people but in an age group of 70 to 80 it could be as high as 1/10.

These numbers are not meant to be exactly accurate but to give you an idea of how much more likely you are to develop glaucoma as you age.

What is for certain though is that the earlier one is diagnosed with glaucoma and begins treatment the greater the chance of not losing your eyesight.

It is Glaucoma week in America at the moment.  We urge you to view the video below but then most importantly make a habit of getting your eyes tested for glaucoma every year or two.

Glaucoma can be treated fairly simply.  The earlier it is diagnosed the simpler the treatment normally is.  Most patients require a drop in each eye just before going to bed.  How simple is that!


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