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DRY EYES: What you need to know

Dry eyes is a condition that occurs when your eyes

By Published On: 13 June 20122.6 min read

Dry eyes is a condition that occurs when your eyes does not produce sufficient amount of tears or if it produces poor quality of tears. Tears are necessary to nourish and lubricate your eyes. It is a common and chronic problem especially in adults, so chances are, you are bound to suffer this either now or in the future. Given this, it is best that you know the following useful information about dry eyes:

•    This condition can result from having skin disease on or around the eyelids.

•    This eye problem can occur in pregnant women.

•    You can suffer from dry eyes after undergoing laser assisted in situ keratomileusis, or LASIK, refractive surgery. This condition is only temporary, lasting anywhere from three to six months. If it lasts longer than this period, you should consult your doctor immediately.

•    This condition can also be caused by allergies.

•    Make sure that you take adequate dosages of vitamins. Studies show that both insufficient and excessive intakes can contribute to dry eyes.

•    Long-term use of contact lenses can lead to loss of sensation in the cornea that can then lead to this eye condition.

•    When you suffer from symptoms of this condition, this can be indicative of chronic inflammation of your conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the lacrimal gland or the front part of the eye. On the other hand, chronic conjunctivitis is caused by infection, certain eye diseases or exposure to irritants like tobacco smoke and chemical fumes.

•    This eye problem may be due to exposure keratitis or the condition where the eyelids do not close completely during sleep.

•    Dry eye may be a side effect of taking some medications such as nasal decongestants, drugs to control blood pressure, birth control pills, anti-histamines, tranquilizers, drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease and anti-depressants.

•    This condition may be due to diseases of the glands in the eyelids like the meibomian gland dysfunction – this is probably the most common reason.

•    Women undergoing hormone replacement therapy are prone to experience this eye condition. The chances are higher at 70% for women who only take estrogen. The chances are lower at 30% for women who are taking both estrogen and progesterone.

•    This eye condition can be caused by thermal and chemical burns which can scar the conjunctiva.

•    Prolonged staring at video screens or computer monitors can cause infrequent blinking that can subsequently lead to this eye condition.

•    If you are taking homeopathic remedies, these may have an adverse impact on your dry eye.

•    This eye condition is also associated with disorders in the immune system such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome causes dryness and inflammation in the eyes, mouth and other mucous membranes. It can affect other organs like the lungs, blood vessels and kidneys.

The list above shows that dry eye can occur due to various reasons and causes. When you experience any of its symptoms, you should immediately consult your optometrist for proper assessment and treatment.

At The Eye Practice we take dry eyes seriously.  call us on (02) 9290 1899 or BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE.


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