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Dry Eyes – A Revolution

For all those that suffer from Dry Eyes this blog

By Published On: 12 January 20142.6 min read

For all those that suffer from Dry Eyes this blog article will be a breath of fresh air!
The Eye Practice now has one of the most advanced Dry Eye Clinics in the world.  If you have been frustrated by this condition, now’s the time to try and resolve it.

Here is why.

There have been a number of significant innovations that have taken dry eye management to whole new level, which really only have come to foreground in the last 2 years.

The Eye Practice has not only followed these new technologies but also fully implemented them.

Dr Donald Korb since the early 80’s has been on a dry eye crusade. He has been of the opinion that most of the dry eye problems we encounter are related to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). He is the inventor of the world famous LipiFlow and LipiView system.

Thirty years later via the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) a number of ground breaking papers have been published that finally acknowledge MGD as the most common cause of dry eyes.

Not coincidentally many of the new innovations in Dry Eye Diagnosis and Treatment relate to MGD.

Some of these new technologies, in no particular order are:


The Eye Practice over a year ago trialed LipiFlow

We have already talked about it in previous articles. We are now delighted to say that we have installed it and performing procedures. This instrument heats and milks the meibomian glands simultaneously.  This has been impossible to achieve before this innovation.


LipiView complements the LipiFlow.

All our dry eye patients are scanned with this unique device. It tells us how much oil is present in the tear film. Less oil means more problems. we are also able to observe a 19 second video of how many times and how complete the patient’s blinking is. Poor blinking seems to be a common denominator in many dry eye patients. Until becoming familiar with this instrument incomplete blinking was not really considered that much of an issue. Most of our dry eye patients are now issued with comprehensive blinking exercises.

Intense Pulsed Light or IPL

IPL has been used by Dr Toyos (USA) since the early 2000’s for dry eye treatment.

It is particularly effective in the presence of rosacea. France Medical has recently had its IPL device E>Eye passed through the Australian TGA for treatment of dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction. The Eye Practice is the first eye care clinic in Australia to have installed this great device.


One of the more frustrating eye conditions that optometrists encounter is blepharitis.

There are two main forms: anterior and posterior. The posterior form can be treated by LipiFlow, debridement and IPL. The anterior form is like crusty dandruff that deposits on the eye lashes. BlephEx finally is a fantastic treatment that actually works. Again The Eye Practice is the first in the country to implement this novel procedure.

These new technologies will be reviewed in detail over the next few months.  This summary does not do them justice.


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