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Chalazion – A Bump on the Eye Lid

Your eyes have lots of oil glands under the eyelids […]

By Published On: 6 March 20122.7 min read

Your eyes have lots of oil glands under the eyelids that secrete oily fluids to lubricate the eye surfaces; if a blockage occurs in the minute ducts leading to the eyes then one of several problems including development of blepharitis, a stye or chalazion can happen.

One thing for sure, you don’t have to worry about whether you have something wrong with your eyes – your friends will be more than ready to question you about what’s going on and what you’re going to do about it as they quizzically examine you! They will have you off to the doctor, optometrist or ophthalmologist in no time at all.

Chalazia (the plural of chalazion) are similar to a stye in looks but are not infectious, nor are they as painful; quite often a stye develops outwards from the eye, whereas a chalazion grows inward.

A chalazion appears as a small bump on the eyelid and in most cases will be harmless and will clear up by itself – but if one keeps on appearing in the same place, then it’s best to seek a medical opinion as it could be something more nasty.

Your therapeutic optometrist is the best starting point.  If surgical intervention is required they will be able to recommend the appropriate ophthalmologist for you.


The main symptom is fairly obvious, a small swelling on the eyelid that eventually develops into a bump. This might be preceded or accompanied by watery eyes, heavy eyelids and some sensitivity to light.

First signs can be a slight smarting of the eyelid and then the beginnings of a reddish swollen pimple-like feature. When a bump appears, it’s the chalazion forming.

Whilst easily mistaken for a stye, a chalazion is not caused by bacteria initially but can begin to harbour them, so leading on to infection.


The ducts leading from the Meibomian glands not functioning correctly is the most common cause of chalazia, although a previously infectious stye that has healed can then develop into one.

People suffering from Blepharitis, which is a long term eyelid inflammation caused by a variety of things such as flaky skin, mite infestations or fungal infection, can be prone to getting chalazia.


Fortunately chalazia disappear without formal treatment within a few weeks.

Home remedy is enough to alleviate any blockages by applying warm compresses regularly and keeping everything really clean. Cleaning the eyelid with a cotton bud dipped in a very mild solution of baby shampoo assists in recovery.

Should the cyst like bump get too big it can be quickly eradicated, within a few days even, by direct steroid injection with no reported side-effects.

Only in the case of a large chalazion which may be affecting vision is there any need for surgical intervention. The day surgery procedure starts with a local anaesthetic by injection into the eyelid. After that it’s a relatively simple matter to cut into the back of the eyelid and drain the chalazion.

Prevention is better than cure

After one or two chalazia it might be time to seriously think about taking some preventative measures to prevent future re-occurrences. This is quite simple – get organised and follow a strict eye cleanliness routine combined with Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements.



  1. Jordan miller 11 March 2012 at 2:32 am - Reply

    hehe, I just wrote up an article regarding chalazion since it is related to blepharitis… I haven’t had a cyst yet and I don’t ever want one either…nice article btw

  2. Toya 31 August 2015 at 5:13 pm - Reply

    How does fish oil supplements help with chalazions?

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